Location: Branson, MO

Um well, I think that is what the rest of the blog page is for.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Look back on London

Well, from what I have gathered, blogs are supposed to be either on-line journals of current events, a newsletter to keep your friends updated on your life, or a way for people to get their voice out there (whether anyone is paying attention or not). I don't think that my next few posts will be that. See, a little less than 2 years ago, I was in England. I kept a journal through most of the trip, and I never showed it to anyone, although that was why I kept the journal. So for the next few posts, I will be typing in what I wrote during the trip. Just think of them as really old journal entries.

5-14-04 (Current thoughts/side note: I never realized, or had forgotten that it was Christopher's b-day)

I have decided that such a vast amount of time has elapsed between the last entry(CT/SN: Last entry was 1-24-04) and now that there can only be this brief acknowlegement of the gap. I will suffice to say that I have had a great semester and am now about to finish my work week. Tomorrow afternoon I leave for London. I am so delighted. I can't believe that I am actually going to go. I'm flying to North Carolina as soon as we get back. I wanted to copy down some stuff before I go. God is: "Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle." Ps. 24:8 "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Thine is the dominon, O Lord, and thou dost exal Thyself as head over all." I Chron. 29:11


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